There is nothing like fresh fruits and vegetables from your own garden to give your health and taste buds a treat. Starting a kitchen herb garden is a great and easy way to give your food the fresh taste of summer all year round, and it is easy and inexpensive, too!
Pick A Spot That Gets Good Light
Most herbs require a good amount of sunlight to grow, so choosing a spot where they get direct light is important to making sure your herbs flourish. If your kitchen doesn’t get sufficient light, consider moving your herbs to a room that gets better light or purchasing an indoor herb garden kit that has a grow lamp.
Choose A Good Selection Of Herbs
While there are great herb garden starter kits that offer a useful selection of herbs, if they are not herbs you use often in cooking they are probably not the best choice. Also be sure you choose herbs that are compatible with the kind of light available in your space.
Know The Right Conditions For Growth
As mentioned, herbs need a considerable amount of sunlight, but they also require rich moist soil to grow to their full potential. Having your indoor herb garden by the kitchen sink is ideal. Also, making sure the soil gets proper drainage by planting herbs in pots with draining holes and adding stones to the bottom can make a big difference.
To Fertilize Or Not
There are a number of resources on indoor herb gardens that recommend you use fertilizers to give your herbs the maximum growth potential. However, there are many great natural choices that will not affect the taste or nutritional value of your herbs, and are better for the environment.
A kitchen herb garden is a great way to boost the nutritional value and taste of your food, and will bring some of summer’s taste and feel into your home all year!